Reducing Unconscious Bias in the Workplace (Course)
Author: EnsparkWhat are implicit bias and its impact in the workplace? Join Mark Williams, the founder, and CEO of WIN Insights (a diversity and inclusion resource center), for a look at how implicit or unconscious bias can impact your behavior and attitudes in the workplace. We’re often good at recognizing and addressing blatant moments of discrimination, but what about small moments when discrimination might not be immediately obvious? These moments of unconsciously and inadvertently treating people unfairly are known as implicit bias. This course will help you recognize your own biases, and provide strategies to help you overcome them. This creates a more inclusive work environment where individuals are treated respectfully and fairly.
Keywords: Reducing, bias, unconscious bias, Implicit Bias, workplace bias
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Reducing Unconscious Bias in the Workplace (Course)
Join Mark Williams, the founder and CEO of WIN Insights (a diversity and inclusion resource center), for a look at how implicit or unconscious bias can impact your behavior and attitudes in the workplace. We’re often good at recognizing and addressing blatant moments of discrimination, but what about small moments when discrimination might not be immediately obvious? These moments of unconsciously and inadvertently treating people unfairly are known as implicit bias. This course will help you recognize your own biases, and provide strategies to help you overcome them. This creates a more inclusive work environment where individuals are treated respectfully and fairly.
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Price :
$14.95 ( Per License )
# Licenses | Discounted Price |
1 | $14.95 |
10 | $14.20 |
50 | $13.46 |
100 | $12.71 |
500 | $11.96 |
1000 | $10.46 |
5000 | $8.97 |
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